Pronto launches Xi innovation to bring data to light
Pronto Software has launched the latest version, Pronto Xi, building a new bedrock for the platform's future.
With the importance of digital transformation, having an ERP and analytics solution to bring data to light is critical. Pronto says they have been delivering this to businesses for over 40 years.
"Customers have been forced to focus on the backend of their business over the past few years," says Chad Gates, CEO, Pronto Software.
"Ensuring supply chain efficiency and reducing waste has never been so critical in ensuring no money is bleeding out the door, particularly during difficult times."
"While customers look inward, having access to detailed business data in real-time is more important than ever before. With accurate data it becomes easier to make smart decisions faster as the data reveals vital information." says Gates.
While Pronto Xi 770 features enhancements across the application suite, security and compliance capabilities to maximise customer confidence are also at the forefront, such as the introduction of single touch payroll phase 2 and significant investments in Pronto cloud.
"At Pronto Software we are actively involved with regulatory discussions wherever we can to ensure we are on top of dynamic compliance requirements, and that customer concerns are represented during these rollout processes," says Gates.
"There is so much transformation in business right now and every moment of change at scale is a moment where attackers aim to exploit a security weakness," says Gates. "With this in mind, Pronto Software recently completed its first full three-year certification cycle. We have renewed our ISO 27001 certification while Pronto Cloud is also ASAE 3402 attested and is running on Tier 4 data centres."
"We see more and more government regulations and customers requiring ISO 27001, so it's been a timely journey for ourselves and for our customers. Trust is everything between Pronto Software and our customers, and we want to minimise any risk or stress for our users when it comes to using us as their ERP platform."
Alongside security and compliance, Pronto Xi 770 also features updates to the user interface design to offer a mobile-friendly experience for users on the go while maintaining robust dashboard features for those on desktop screens.
"We've targeted areas within Pronto Xi that have the highest need for mobile access, like CRM and interfaces for warehouse workers," says Gates.
"Ensuring features like field selections are now simple and that the performance is snappier on mobile is a great step forward for many environments. We will keep evolving the user interface to balance the ideal needs of both desktop users and users in mobile-centric roles."
With 95% of Pronto software customers using Pronto Cloud, Pronto Xi is moving to cloud-based delivery.
"Important STP updates will be available to customers using Pronto Xi versions launched as far back as 2015," says Gates.
"Unfortunately, past a certain point some new features cannot be implemented in prior versions, but we know the importance of ERP to every customer and work hard to deliver important features in every version we can."
Pronto Software continues to expand its solution partner program, improving trust in the third-party tools that integrate with the Pronto Xi platform.
"We know we can't write everything ourselves, so over the last few years we've embraced the specialist solutions that fill gaps in the market," says Gates.
"By creating trust relationships with these third-party vendors, we help customers to choose options with more confidence."