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Report by Infosys & MIT delves into AI-focused cloud strategies

Thu, 1st Aug 2024

Infosys, in collaboration with MIT Technology Review Insights, has published a new report entitled "Reimagining Cloud Strategy for AI-first Enterprises". The report explores how leading global companies are gearing up their cloud and data infrastructures to support extensive AI initiatives.

The report surveyed 500 industry leaders with annual revenues of at least USD $500 million across various sectors. It aimed to assess these organisations' cloud and data readiness as they prepare to adopt AI on a large scale. The findings indicate that while many companies are in the experimental stages of AI adoption, they are planning substantial investments to enhance their cloud infrastructure for better AI integration.

According to the report, 67% of respondents consider their cloud infrastructures to be "developed" or "advanced". Conversely, only 8% of those surveyed have fully integrated AI into their operations. Additionally, nearly half of the respondents (48%) are merely experimenting with AI, suggesting a significant gap between cloud readiness and AI deployment.

“Although 67% of executives have advanced cloud infrastructures, only a small percentage have fully integrated AI into their operations,” commented Laurel Ruma, Global Editorial Director at MIT Technology Review Insights. “Despite concerns about data security and privacy, a majority are planning significant investments in cloud technology for AI in the coming years. It is clear that cloud-enabled AI is the future, and companies are eager to invest.”

The survey also highlighted varied strategies that companies are employing to optimise their cloud systems for AI use. About half of the executives reported using cloud services primarily for data integration related to AI. Another 30% utilise cloud infrastructure for computing capacity, while only 13% have a detailed roadmap outlining how cloud investments will advance AI adoption beyond data and computational power.

Security and privacy concerns were noted as critical barriers to broader AI adoption. About 45% of executives expressed apprehensions over data security and the ethical use of data. As companies continue to invest in cloud systems, these concerns remain a significant hurdle.

Anant Adya, Executive Vice President and Service Offering Head at Infosys, noted, “With 71% of executives expecting spending on cloud infrastructure for AI to increase by at least 25% in the next two years, it is clear that an integrated cloud and AI strategy will be the foundation for AI transformation for organisations moving forward.”

Mohammed Rafee Tarafdar, Chief Technology Officer at Infosys, added, “Today, we are in the early stages of reimagining enterprise with AI, and as we move towards a human plus AI collaborative state, cloud and data will be the catalyst in scaling AI. By leveraging the cloud and adopting responsible AI practices, businesses can navigate this transformation and achieve sustainable growth.”

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