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David Thodey stories

David Thodey is a figure who keenly addresses the need for transformative leadership and the embrace of innovation within the business realm. His critical perspective on old-fashioned leadership, particularly highlighted during his discourse at The Tax Summit 2023, reveals his passion for fostering an environment where innovation is not just encouraged but seen as integral to success. Thodey's exploration into Australia's innovation challenges underscores his commitment to driving change amidst traditional corporate landscapes.

Apart from his critique on leadership styles, Thodey has been instrumental in calling for a renewal in leadership to spearhead innovation. As announced by The Tax Institute for The Tax Summit 2023, his role as a keynote speaker is anticipated to shed light on the pivotal shifts needed within organisational culture to stay at the vanguard of technological advancements. Furthermore, his insights into the pressing need for the tax, accounting, and legal professions to adapt in reaction to rapid technological changes, especially artificial intelligence, highlight his broader interest in the evolving dynamics of professional services and their adaptability to future trends.

In his capacity as the CEO of Telstra, Thodey has not only envisioned but actively pursued the expansion of the company into new realms, specifically targeting new products and software capabilities. This strategic redirection signifies his broader vision towards integrating technological solutions into traditional business models to ensure their relevance and competitiveness in an increasingly digital world. David Thodey’s diverse interests, ranging from leadership transformation to the integration of AI and technology in conventional sectors, reflect his multidimensional approach to guiding industries towards a future-ready stance.