CFOtech Australia - Technology news for CFOs & financial decision-makers

Mark Weaser stories

Mark Weaser is a prolific author deeply immersed in the ever-evolving sphere of technology and business transformation. His works delve into the intriguing paradox of change within organizations and the driving forces behind their push for advancement. As pivotal decisions in technological overhaul are being made, Mark advocates for business-driven strategies, rather than leaving such transformative choices solely in the hands of IT departments.

With a keen insight into the banking sector, particularly across Australia and New Zealand, Mark explores how customer demand for advanced tech like mobile commerce is shaping the industry. He also discusses the rise of low-code platforms in this region, acknowledging how they contribute to the digital transformation efforts among ANZ banks, striving to meet the sophisticated needs of technology-literate clients.

Mark further addresses the global shift towards DevOps practices as organizations strive to refine their app development processes to produce higher quality outcomes under tight deadlines. His analysis extends to the adoption of visual development tools, which he identifies as a significant trend with nearly a quarter of ANZ businesses planning to integrate such tools to enhance their operations.

Australian companies, in particular, are recognized by Mark for their rapid embrace of low-code technology. This approach has been highlighted as a key driver for digital innovation, as indicated in the findings of an OutSystems-IDC report. Additionally, Mark underscores the necessity for companies to deliver value faster in a post-COVID-19 world, where digital strategies and modern development technologies become critical for survival and thriving in unprecedented conditions.

Confronting the common challenges of the digital landscape, such as talent shortages and technical debt, Mark offers his perspective on overcoming these hurdles. This solidifies his reputation as a thought leader who not only identifies the issues at the core of digital transformation but also proposes viable solutions for businesses maneuvering through a complex digital world.

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Common challenges in the evolving digital world, and how to overcome them
Thu, 11th Aug 2022
digital transformation
software development
skills gap
Companies faced with the challenge of digital transformation are encountering issues such as talent shortages and technical debt.
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The paradox of change, and how to get around it
Thu, 26th May 2022
digital transformation
The business decision to technologically transform should not come from an IT department but from the business itself.
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Visual development tools present real opportunity for ANZ businesses
Tue, 1st Dec 2020
application security
Nearly one-quarter of businesses in Australia and New Zealand plan to adopt visual development tools in the next 18 months, according to a study by IDC.
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Delivering value faster will be essential in the post-COVID-19 world
Wed, 9th Sep 2020
digital transformation
Digital strategies and modern development technology are crucial for companies to thrive amidst unprecedented conditions, says report.
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Low-code platforms gaining popularity with Aussie businesses
Wed, 15th Apr 2020
digital transformation
A new study by OutSystems and IDC reveals a surge in low-code platform adoption among Aussie businesses, with 59% already using them and 18% planning to.
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How to achieve a DevOps best practice in your organisation
Tue, 6th Jun 2017
Organisations globally are turning to DevOps to address the increasing pressure to deliver higher quality apps within a shorter period of time.
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How low-code platforms enable digital transformation in ANZ banks
Wed, 29th Mar 2017
digital transformation
Technology savvy customers across ANZ are demanding for technologies such as mobile commerce and the use of smartphones for banking transactions.