CFOtech Australia - Technology news for CFOs & financial decision-makers

Steve Moros stories

Steve Moros is a discerning writer with a keen interest in cybersecurity and how it impacts various sectors including retail, healthcare, finance, and education. With an analytical eye, he reveals troubling insights into how Australian retailers may be inadvertently compromising online shopper safety through subpar cybersecurity practices. His investigation into these matters showcases an expertise in exposing vulnerabilities that could lead to potential email fraud and other digital threats.

Moreover, Moros delves into the healthcare industry, highlighting significant cybersecurity gaps amongst Australia's top hospitals, and examines the ramifications for patient privacy and data security. His work also casts a critical gaze over Australian banks, revealing their struggles to proactively block fraudulent emails, thereby indicating a serious concern for the protection of sensitive personal and financial information in the financial sector.

As a seasoned commentator on cybersecurity issues, Moros also unpacks the implications of Business Email Compromise (BEC), shedding light on its financial impact on organisations. His reports emphasise the need for robust email protection, especially given the evidence that a staggering majority of ASX 200 companies are at risk of email fraud. He accentuates the balance of embracing innovative technology such as cloud computing while advocating for a people-centric approach to safeguard against potential compromises.

With institutions of higher learning under his scrutiny as well, Moros raises awareness of how leading universities worldwide, not just in Australia, are falling behind in implementing fundamental cybersecurity measures. This highlights a global challenge, asserting the necessity for improved safeguards against sophisticated email-based impersonation attacks that threaten the integrity of academic data.

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The insider threat: Why Australian businesses are most vulnerable from within
Last month
endpoint protection
Australian businesses face a growing insider threat, with a 2022 study revealing 67% of companies grappling with frequent internal security incidents.
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Alarming cybersecurity gaps found in Australia's top hospitals
Tue, 12th Dec 2023
advanced persistent threat protection
email security
risk & compliance
Over a third of Australia's top-rated hospitals lack necessary protections against email fraud and spoofing, reveals a cyber security study.
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Australian retailers jeopardise online shopper safety with poor cybersecurity
Tue, 21st Nov 2023
email security
breach prevention
Australian retailers expose online shoppers to potential email fraud due to inadequate cybersecurity measures, reveals Proofpoint report.
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Australian banks not proactively blocking fraudulent emails
Tue, 1st Aug 2023
Due to the extensive amount of sensitive personal and financial data that they store, banking and financial institutions are a prime target for cyber criminals.
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67% of ASX 200 companies at risk of email fraud – report
Fri, 23rd Jun 2023
email security
Two-thirds of ASX 200 companies are subjecting customers, partners, and employees to higher risks of email fraud.
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Breaking down BEC – the costliest risk facing your organisation
Tue, 4th Oct 2022
email security
BEC cost Australian organisations AUD$81m in a year, yet most ASX-200 firms lack basic email protection, says report.
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Top universities lagging on basic cybersecurity - report
Tue, 2nd Aug 2022
email security
Universities in Australia, the US and the UK are lagging on basic cybersecurity measures, creating higher risks of email-based impersonation attacks.
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Email fraud identified as top attack vector - Proofpoint
Thu, 10th Mar 2022
email security
cyber criminal
More than three quarters of ASX 200 companies are subjecting customers, partners and employees to higher risks of email fraud.
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The promise and peril of the cloud: why a people-centric approach is vital
Tue, 31st Aug 2021
Two-thirds of Australian CISOs see cloud account compromise as the most significant risk to their organisation in the next year.